Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010


A. Understanding Waves
Is a form of vibration waves that crept in a medium. On the propagating waves are waves, not the substance of medium instrumentality. One wave length can be seen by calculating the distance between the valleys and hills (Understending wave).

1. Transverse wave
Transverse waves are waves which direction perpendicular to the direction propagation.
A wave consists of a valley and a hill, such as wavelength of water, which vibrated threads

In a transverse wave, a wave consisting of three nodes and two stomachs. The distance between two nodes or two successive stomach is called a half or ½ wavelength λ (lambda),

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010


Now we discuss what a transverse wave. Transverse waves are waves which direction perpendicular to the direction of vibration wave was first discussed it must be all sorts of waves itself. The variety of the wave itself is a transverse wave, longitudinal wave, stationary wave, electromagnetic waves, and many more others.
At issue this time, we will discuss about a transverse wave. Before we discuss what a transverse wave, we must first know the meaning of the wave. Is a form of vibration waves that crept in a medium. Waves caused by a propagating fault-finding. According to the concepts of physics, is a reflection of the wave propagation harassment, while the medium is fixed. Thus, wave propagation is followed by energy transfer without mass transfer medium.
Examples of transverse waves:
- Vibration learned gitas ray
-Vibrations that shake-shake the rope at one end

In a transverse wave, single wavelength consists of three nodes and two stomachs. The distance between two nodes or two successive stomach is called a half or ½ wavelength λ (lambda). While the propagation of the wave is the distance traveled by a wave in one second. Fast wave propagation is denoted by v and its units m / s or m s-1. Relations v, f, λ, and T is:
λ = v.T
λ = v / f
v = λ.f
λ = wavelength, unit meter (m)
v = velocity of wave propagation, unit meters / second (ms-1)
T = wave period, the unit seconds or seconds (s)
f = frequency wave, unit or 1/sekon 1/detik (s-1)
Reflection of a wave occurs when the wave through a barrier or barriers, such as solids, then the wave will be reflected. This reflection is one of the properties of the wave.

Transverse wave is a wave that has a propagation direction perpendicular to the direction of vibration. Examples of transverse waves are waves on a string. Wave vibration direction is vertical, while rambatnva horizontal direction so that the vibration direction and the direction rambatnva satins

Analyze the transversal wave
In addition to ocean waves, we also often hear the term, sound waves and waves on a string.
We observe the direction of propagation of transverse waves on a string
1). Rope somewhere
2). Yank the rope up and down each one time
3). Repeat the above experiment by stating the rope twice, three times, four times.
Waves which propagate in the direction perpendicular to the direction of vibration is called for example analyze the transversal waves on the surface of water waves, waves on a string, and light waves (electromagnetic waves).
In terms of transverse waves:
Wave peak is the highest point on the wave (eg b and f)
Basic wave is the lowest points on the wave (eg, d and h)
Wave hill is the arch or EFG OBC
CDE is the wave valley basin or ghi
Amplitude (A) is the largest absolute value deviation which can be achieved by the particles (eg, b or d d1 b1)
Wavelength (λ) is the distance between two successive peaks (eg bf) or the distance between two base sequence (eg, dh)
Transverse wave propagating in the solid medium for these waves need a medium that is relatively stiff for vibration energy propagation. If the propagating medium is not rigid, medium particle sliding each other. Thus, transverse waves can not propagate in the medium fluid (liquids and gases).
Transverse wave can be obtained by attracting a slinki in the horizontal direction, then slinki vibrating tip upwards and downwards, the vibration energy is moved from one end to the other and forming a wave. At the time of vibrational energy to move, medium wave is propagating upward and downward so that the motion of the medium is perpen
dicular to the wave motion.

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010


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